Here are the Questions which I was asked By Intel.
- Reverse a singly linked list in order O(n).
- Write a code to check if a given string is palindrome.
- Buy 100 lappies (anything) in Rs. 100, given lappyA price is Rs 5 per lappyA , lappyB price is Rs 1 per lappyB, lappyC price is 5 paise per lappyB. Find out quantities of each of lappyA, lappyB, lappyC.
- There is a 100 steps stair. One can either take one step at a time or 2 steps at a time. Find out the number of ways of reaching to the top. [Hint: take one step stair, then 2 steps, 3,steps, n try to find out pattern or formula.]
- Find trailing number of zeros in factorial of 1947 (1947!).
- Read a file and if you find L1 and L2 as consecutive lines then print previous 100 lines including L1 and L2.
- What do you understand by OOP (object oriented principles) i)implement oop in c
- Super structure: implement a super structure which can behave like both stack and queue using liked list. Try to make enqueue,dequeue,push,pop in O(1)
- Shuffle an array of length n in one traversal.
- How you can generate a pseudo random number mathematically [i couldn't ans this]
- Difference b/w process and thread
- fork().
- What do you understand by "Singleton class". Implement it.
- Design a Library database.[Don't take design question lightly]
- Questions related to job scheduling and threading.
- Question related to Mutex. I don't remember exact question but if you have a little knowledge of Mutex you will be able to solve it.
Note: I was supposed to find out the logic first then I was asked to code that logic in language of my choice. So just Knowing logic is not enough one must practice a little to code on paper before going to any such interviews.
These questions has been asked in several rounds of interview which I went through before getting into INTEL :)
Answers to most of the questions are available on internet.
But still anyone wants to know the solution of any of question he/she can contact me directly.